Short course on dealing with payment problems:- if the amount is large and you forgot to divide it by 100 usd - divide it into several small donations
- try "pay with a new e-wallet" and use your paypal mail again.
- check if there is money on a bank card that is linked to paypal
- if you are using FireFox browser, try using GoogleChrome
- disable firewall
- open tab in incognito mode
- change phone/computer device
- change the payment method donat/post
- if paypal fails, try a credit card
- with a credit card, the probability of error is less than with a debit
- if the transfer from the bank is blocked - call the bank and confirm that it is you
You've tried all the ways but nothing works
- repeat the payment attempt after 14.00 (Moscow) the next day (suddenly the system is simply overloaded)
- as a last resort, you can ask your friend from another country to be an intermediary, and he will pay for you.

Tutorial by KohevKass on FA

Video tutorial


Tutorial by Neiry on FA


Tutorial by OF711